Beniko Mason      
Story Listening Videos

The Promise of Optimal Input. (Turkish Online Journal of English Language Teaching (TOJELT), 5(3), 146-155.)
Mason, B., & Krashen, S. (2020).
Posted: 2024-07-20

When progress stops: The continuing saga of Mr. Tanaka. (Language Issues, 1(3), 29-41.)
Mason, B. (2021).
Posted: 2024-07-05

Foundations for Story-Listening: Some basics. (Language Issues, 1(4), 1-5.)
Krashen, S., & Mason, B. (2022)
Posted: 2024-07-05

Meeting ministry recommendations for vocabulary learning: A suggestion. (Language Issues, 2(3), 12-15.)
Mason, B., Ae, N., & Krashen, S. D. (2022).
Posted: 2024-07-05

Story-Listening with Japanese EFL Junior High School students: Is pre-teaching of vocabulary necessary? (Selected Papers from the Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on English Teaching and Book Exhibit, 2021 PAC, & The 23rd International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics (pp. 247-255). Taipei: Crane Publishing Company Ltd.)
Mason, B., & Ae, N. (2021).
Posted: 2024-07-04

Guided self-selected reading: A steady path to independent reading. (In Y.N. Leung, W.Y. Shieh, & D.S. Villarreal (Eds.) Reflection on the English language teaching and learning in the global and diversified world (pp. 385-402). Crane Publishing Co. Taiwan.)
Mason, B., & Smith, K. (2021).
Posted: 2024-07-04

Do young people in Japan like to read? Let’s take a closer look. (Language and Language Teaching, 10(1), 19, 49-54.)
Krashen, S., Mason, B., & McQuillan, J. (2021).
Posted: 2024-07-04

The immersion assumption. (Selected Papers from the Twenty-ninth International Symposium on English Teaching, 107-113.)
Mason, B., & Krashen, S. (2020)
Posted: 2024-07-04

Story Listening and Guided Self-Selected Reading. (The Language Teacher, 44(6), 21-22.)
Mason, B. (2020).
Posted: 2024-07-04

Story-Listening: A brief introduction (CATESOL Newsletter, July, 53(7).)
Mason, B., & Krashen, S. (2020).
Posted: 2024-07-04

The optimal input hypothesis: Not all comprehensible input is of equal value (CATESOL Newsletter (May).)
Krashen, S., & Mason, B. (2020).
Posted: 2024-07-04

Story-Listening in Indonesia: A replication study. (Journal of English Language Teaching, 62(1), 3-6.)
Mason, B., Smith, K., & Krashen, S. (2020).
Posted: 2024-07-04

70 hours of comprehensible input = 286 hours of traditional instruction. (Selected Papers from the Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on English Teaching and Learning (pp. 251-259). Taipei: Crane Publishing Company Ltd.)
Mason, B., & Ae, N. (2023).
Posted: 2024-07-04

Interview Stephen Krashen talks to Beniko Mason (Language and Language Teaching Volume 8 Number 1 Issue 15 January 2019)
Krashen, S., & Mason, B. (2018).
Posted: 2019-11-11

How to Use Prompters (11.6.2019)
Beniko Mason
Posted: 2019-11-11

Comprehension-Aiding Supplementation: CAS-Drawing (11.6.2019)
Beniko Mason
Posted: 2019-11-11

Guided SSR before Self-Selected Reading. (Shitennoji University Bulletin, 67, 445-456.)
Mason, B. (2019).
Posted: 2019-11-11

Hypothesis: A Class Supplying Rich Comprehensible Input is More Effective and Efficient than "Immersion." (IBU Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 7, 83-89.)
Mason, B., & Krashen, S. (2019).
Posted: 2019-11-11

Direct teaching of vocabulary? (Journal of English Language Teaching, 61(1), 9-13.)
Krashen, S., & Mason, B. (2019).
Posted: 2019-11-11

A note on comprehension checking. (Journal of English Language Teaching, 61(1), 23-24.)
Krashen, S., & Mason, B. (2019).
Posted: 2019-11-11

Applying the Input (Reading) Hypothesis: Some history and a look ahead. (Shitennoji University Bulletin, 68, 451-458.)
Mason, B., & Krashen, S. (2019).
Posted: 2019-11-11

Some New Terminology: Comprehension-Aiding Supplementation and Form-Focusing Supplementation (Language Learning and Teaching 60/6. 12-13, 2018)
Stephen Krashen, Beniko Mason & Ken Smith
Posted: 2018-12-25

A Pure Comprehension Approach: More Effective and Efficient than Eclectic Second Language Teaching? ((2018) IBU Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 6, 69-79.)
Beniko Mason
Posted: 2018-12-25

American Students’ Vocabulary Acquisition Rate in Japanese as a Foreign Language from Listening to a Story. (Mason, B. & Krashen, S. (2018). Turkish Online Journal of English Language Teaching (TOJELT), 3(1), 6-9.)
Mason, B. & Krashen, S. (2018)
Posted: 2018-07-29

The Effect of Pleasure Reading Experience 30 Years Ago (Mason, B. (2017). The effect of pleasure reading experience 30 years ago. Turkish Online Journal of English Language Teaching (TOJELT), 2(3), 130-132.)
Beniko Mason
Posted: 2018-03-11

Sustained Silent Reading in Foreign Language Edcucation: An Update (Turkish Online Journal of English Language Teaching, 2, 70-73.)
Krashen, S., & Mason, B. (2017).
Posted: 2017-09-25

Self-Selected Reading and TOEIC Performance: Evidence from Case Histories (Shitennoji University Bulletin (2017,63, 469-475))
Beniko Mason & Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2017-09-09

Can Second Language Acquirers Reach High Levels of Proficiency Through Self-Selected Reading? An Attempt to Confirm Nation's (2014) Results (International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching 10 (2): 10-19.)
Stephen Krashen and Beniko Mason
Posted: 2015-11-14

Can we increase the power of reading by adding communicative output activities? A commnet on Song and Sardegna (2014)
Stephen Krashen, Beniko Mason, & Ken Smith
Posted: 2014-09-17

Self-Selected Pleasure Reading and Story Listening for Foreign Language Classrooms
Beniko Mason
Posted: 2014-09-15

Comprehension is the Key to Efficient Foreign Language Education - Self-Selected Reading and Story-Listening are the Solutions
Beniko Mason
Posted: 2013-06-16

Comprehension is the Key to Successful English Language Education Reform
Beniko Mason
Posted: 2013-06-16

The Case of Mr. Kashihara: Another Case of Substantial Gains in Reading and Listening without Output or Grammar Study (To be published in the IBU Journal 2013.)
Beniko Mason
Posted: 2013-06-16

The Efficient Use of Literature in Second Language Education: Free Reading and Listening to Stories
Beniko Mason
Posted: 2013-03-17

Substantial Gains in Listening and Reading Ability in English as a Second Language from Voluntary Listening and Reading in a 75 Year Old Student (Shitennoji University Junior College International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching (2013))
Beniko Mason
Posted: 2013-01-27

(Necessary conditions for a successful Extensive Reading Program)
Beniko Mason
Posted: 2012-09-29

Impressive gains on the TOEIC after one year of comprehensible input, with no output or grammar study, 7(1). November. (2011)
Beniko Mason
Posted: 2011-11-20

The Reality, Robustness, and Possible Superiority of Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition: Another Look at File and Adams
Beniko Mason and Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2011-02-13

The Effects and Efficiency of Hearing Stories on Vocabulary Acquisition by Students of German as a Second Foreign Language in Japan
Beniko Mason, Martina Vanata, Katrin Jander, Ramona Borsch, and Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2009-09-30

Ken Schmidt
Posted: 2009-01-04

The Efficiency of Self-Selected Reading and Hearing Stories on Adult Second Language Acquisition
Beniko Mason
Posted: 2007-12-15

TOEFL Preparation using Recreational Reading
Beniko Mason
Posted: 2007-03-25

Free Voluntary Reading and Autonomy in Second Language Acquisition: Improving TOEFL Scores from Reading Alone
Beniko Mason
Posted: 2006-08-20

Extensive Reading; Why do it, how to do it, how not to do it
Beniko Mason
Posted: 2005-09-16

The effect of adding supplementary writing to an extensive reading program
Beniko Mason
Posted: 2005-06-04

Teaching Reading to EFL Learners in Japan Using an Extensive Reading Approach
Beniko Mason
Posted: 2005-03-23

Can Extensive Reading Help Unmotivated Students of EFL Improve?
Beniko Mason and Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2005-03-23

Is Form-Focused Vocabulary Instruction Worth While?
Beniko Mason & Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2005-03-18

The Details of the Extensive Reading Program at International Buddhist University
Beniko Mason and Tom Pendergast
Posted: 2005-03-18

The Practice and Effect of an Extensive Reading Program at University
Masuko Ikeda and Beniko Mason
Posted: 2005-03-18

Extensive Reading In English As A Foreign Language
Beniko Mason and Stephen Krashen
Posted: 2004-12-11

Vocabulary Acquisition through Storytelling
Beniko Mason
Posted: 2004-09-03

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